Our Companies
We are guided by an operationally intensive strategy, focused on proven business models. As well as investing
in existing companies, we start businesses from scratch, partnering with experienced managers or harnessing
in-house expertise to trial and develop early stage opportunities.
Other divisions of the Maris portfolio provide our businesses with best-in-class services: META Group (www.metagroupafrica.com) for land moving and Equator Energy (www.equatorenergy.net) for solar power solutions.

In 2012 Maris acquired a controlling interest in Equatoria Teak Company, a former CDC and Actis investment. The company is located in Nzara, Western Equatoria in South Sudan. It is the country’s only sustainable forestry plantation and is Africa’s second largest teak grower with 2,000 hectares of planted teak.

Agris founded Evergreen Fresh in 2020 to supply the Kenyan wholesale and retail markets with fresh fruit and vegetables. The company has a warehouse in Nairobi and sources produce from Evergreen Herbs as well as other outgrowers.

Agris started Evergreen Herbs Ltd in 2020. The company has over 50 ha of production split across 2 farms on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. They specialize in growing and exporting fresh herbs to the European and world markets. The herbs currently being grown and exported include Chives, Basil and Mint. The area under cultivation is being expanded to cater for the ever-growing global demand. The herbs are grown to extremely high-quality standards using the latest in water irrigation technology and the highest cleanliness and hygiene standards. The Company has also been certified with GLOBAL GAP, GRASP and SMETA.

Evergreen Avocados
Agris started Evergreen Avocados in 2023 with Granot, a leading avocado producer from Israel. The company is developing a 390 hectare avocado plantation at Agris’ flagship Ndabibi farm in Naivasha, Kenya. Favourable conditions in Naivasha, produce high yields of quality fruit at a lower unit cost. Ndabibi will become the company’s production hub and a world-class agricultural centre. At its peak, about 2,000 people will be employed at the farm, including horticulture operations, creating employment and training opportunities for local communities.

Agris acquired a minority stake in Majestic Mushrooms in 2021. Majestic Mushrooms is Kenya's only high-tech producer of quality mushrooms for the local market. The company was founded by Agris MD - Ran Kadosh.

In 2012, Agris invested in Tatepa, a leading Tanzanian agricultural holding company, which owns Wakulima Tea Company (WTC). WTC grows, markets and exports tea and is the 3rd largest tea exporter in Tanzania after Unilever and DL group. It owns 308 Ha of its own estates, but over 80% of its 6,000 tonnes of tea production is through its network of 14,000 outgrowers.